Ловушка для ловли угрей, крабов, омаров, пескари, креветки, макрель, рак и т.д. /Crab Trap Bait Fishing Wire Bait Cast Umbrella Dip Net/ Цена 730 руб.
Features: Dip Net for catching eels, crabs, lobsters, minnows, shrimps, mackerels, crawfish etc…. Four enter design for catching more fishes Install and disassemble easily, convenient to use Suitable for fisherman and fishing lover
See how to use it to catch fishes
I: Put bait into the centre of the net to attract your target; II: Sinking the fishing net in the river and wait a while; III: When many fishes swim into dip net, lift up this net from the river; IV: Put in the fishes into the creels
Color: Green
Detail Size: See above picture
Weight: 450g
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